On this Wednesday edition of Freedom & Prosperity Radio Joe Thomas is joined by Joel Salatin, Co-owner of Polyface Farms and Editor of the Stockman Grass Farmer, to talk about his new book “Everything I Want to do is Illegal”, and the harassment our farmers receive daily from legislators.
Joel Salatin, Co-owner of Polyface Farms and Editor of the Stockman Grass Farmer
Website ► https://www.polyfacefarms.com/
Virginia Institute for Public Policy
Twitter ►@VAPublicPolicy
Facebook ►https://bit.ly/2xdq5U6
Website ►https://virginiainstitute.org/
Joe Thomas
Twitter ►@JoeThomasWCHV
Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/CvilleJoeThomas
Website ► https://www.wchv.com/