Our Leaders + Experts

The Virginia Institute for Public Policy is an independent, nonpartisan, education and research organization committed to the goals of individual opportunity and economic growth. Through research, policy recommendations, and symposia, the Institute works ahead of the political process to lay the intellectual foundation for a society dedicated to individual liberty, dynamic entrepreneurial capitalism, private property, the rule of law, and constitutionally-limited government.

President & Co-Founder
Executive Vice President
Director of Strategic Communications
Grants Manager
Coordinator, Communications & Development
Intern, Graphic Design and Communications
Director of Policy
Deputy Director of Policy
Coalitions Manager
Senior Fellow | Regulatory Reform
Senior Fellow | Constitutional Studies
Senior Fellow | Election Integrity
Visiting Fellow | Workforce Development
Senior Fellow | Election Integrity
Host, Freedom & Prosperity Radio
Support Specialist
Intern | Policy, Research, and Coalitions
IT Coordinator
Operations Associate
Data Specialist
Administrative Support
Board of Directors
Former Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow, The Heritage Foundation
Chairman, Cooper & Kirk, PLLC
Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Chase Investment Counsel Corporation
Retired Nonprofit Executive
President & Co-Founder, Virginia Institute for Public Policy
President, The Richard Norman Company
Founder and Executive Director, Horizons Television, Inc.
Board of Scholars

John Taylor

Virginia Institute for Public Policy

John Taylor fought for the freedoms that most Virginians take for granted. He was the man who stood in the gap against the corporatist excess that is so prevalent from both sides of the aisle in postmodern American politics. He acted within a framework of principle in a time when the word principle was certainly not “trending.” He strictly prescribed to the Enlightenment beliefs of our founders when many disrespect them as “dead white guys,” knowing that without the works of people like Jefferson, Madison, Mason and Washington these same detractors would be under the thumb of a continual set of overseers. We will deeply miss his passionate defense of Constitutional principles, his knowledge of history, and his fierce opposition to those who would suppress liberty.

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