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for Public Policy
Virginia Institute has fought for the Liberty and Property of the people of Virginia for over 20 years. Your generous support has armed us with the resources to successfully promote your principles of free enterprise, individual liberty, personal responsibility, and constitutionally-limited government in the seat of American history and freedom. Together, we can continue to inspire the Freedom & Prosperity that has made the Commonwealth of Virginia the cornerstone of the American Dream.
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P.O. Box 76
Lexington, VA 24450
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The John Taylor Memorial Fund
For 20 years, John Taylor anchored the Liberty Movement in Virginia. He acted within a strict framework of principle and dedication when such words had long fallen out of fashion. John prescribed to the Enlightenment beliefs of our Founding Fathers, defending their benefaction against the disrespect and degradation hoist upon it by so many Americans today. He always knew that without men like Jefferson, Madison, Washington, and Mason these same detractors would be indefinitely under the thumb of yet another series of overseers. John lived his life fulfilling his passion for Liberty in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the Virginia Institute aims to stoke this fire even further.
To this end, the Virginia Institute introduces the John Taylor Memorial Fund. The money raised will go to the program about which John was most passionate, namely the Tuesday Morning Group coalition. The TMG coalition is among an exceptionally short list of the longest-lived, broad-based, state level coalitions in the nation, and it is growing. Fifteen years after its inception, the coalition has earned a storied history of affecting positive change in the name of the free-enterprise system, private property, and the rule of law in Virginia. Frankly, however, considerable work still needs to be done.
Join us in fueling the flame of John’s passion and love for Virginia, and the Tuesday Morning Group. To support the John Taylor Memorial Fund, please make your check payable to Virginia Institute for Public Policy and mail your donation to PO Box 76, Lexington, VA 24450 or use the donate button below.
Lynn Taylor