Enter the highly-respected economist Dr. James Broughel, one of our senior fellows at the Virginia Institute for Public Policy.
On March 6th, we released a major new study by Dr. Broughel, who is also a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and a former adjunct professor at the Scalia Law School at George Mason University.
$1.2 billion of annual savings for Virginians. Permit processing times slashed from an average of 33 days to 5 days. Even the average cost of building a house will drop by $24,000.
The Office of Regulatory Reform (ORM) in Virginia has been highly successful in taking an axe to Virginia’s bloated regulatory code, already cutting it by 21%.
The paper has generated publicity in the media – see HERE and HERE:
We’re making sure to provide the facts and figures to those in power in Richmond so that legislators can learn not just about the Virginia Model of Regulatory Reform, but also about how it can be improved upon.
Here is the full paper, and the one-page executive summary.
The Virginia Model of Regulatory Reform
Is the Office of Regulatory Management Virginia’s DOGE?, or is it something else? That’s a debate that has been raging in the public eye recently.