Category Regulatory Reform

Policy Primer: Regulatory Reform (2023)

The cost of regulation between 1980 and today is estimated to be more than $5 trillion representing a 25% shortfall in would-be economic growth. This number is exceedingly difficult for most people to visualize, so this simple mental exercise can be beneficial in communicating just how much has been lost:

Five million seconds is about 58 days;

Five trillion seconds is 158,440 years.

As anyone can see, this loss of real value to our economy is not insignificant. In response, the Virginia Institute for Public Policy’s regulatory reform initiative proposes the implementation of a Regulatory Budget Program coupled with establishing a Universal Regulatory Sandbox. These measures aim to promote economic growth, innovation, and regulatory efficiency by limiting or eliminating the continued inflation of regulatory requirements while providing an environment where compliance burdens are temporarily removed to enhance and promote experimentation and development of new products, services, and business methodologies in the Commonwealth.

VIPP Policy Primer: Regulatory Reform (2023)

Click HERE to view or download.

Introducing Regulatory Sandboxes

This year, the Virginia Institute has successfully introduced an innovative policy called Regulatory Sandboxes to the public policy and legislative community in Virginia. A Regulatory Sandbox creates a space and time for innovators to offer new goods and services to consumers without the initial burden of some regulations. Sandboxes provide opportunities for new and old businesses to test fresh ideas in the market while simultaneously providing a constant stream of pilot programs and data for regulators to determine what regulations work with the least possible burden on the community.